You Need a Trustworthy AC Repair Company.
The thought of selecting a disreputable, uninsured, or just plain rude AC company makes most homeowners nervous. Sadly, when you need the service, most people rely on the company that can get there the quickest for the least amount of money. While doing your due diligence takes time, it will save you a lot of headache in the long run.
If you don’t check things out, here’s what could happen:
Overcharging for Parts and Services
You’re at the AC repair company’s mercy if you don’t know much about your system. A reputable AC service company will take the time to educate you on the issues and what it will take to fix them. A dishonest company will overcharge you on repairs and scare you with threats of your home burning down if you don’t attend to them. This is what happened with one company that allegedly overcharged hundreds of people.
Unnecessary Repairs
If a technician gives you an estimate for a costly repair on a routine maintenance check, get a second opinion. Disreputable companies that say your unit requires service when it doesn’t, often try to get you to commit that day using pressure tactics like, “we can’t get another service technician in your area for days if you don’t get the work done today.” It is fully in your right to spend some time thinking about repairs, and shopping them around. Remember this AC repair company is not paying the bill, you are. Don’t let them pressure you into doing anything you’re not ready for.
One Who is Not Insured
If the AC repair company you’re doing business with doesn’t cover its employees with worker’s comp and liability insurance you could be held responsible should something happen to him or her on your property. You also want to make sure the company is covered should they do anything that jeopardizes your system or breaks something in your home. Your AC is a sizeable investment. Don’t leave it to non-certified amateurs.
Add-on Fees
Companies that want to be competitive on price may hide additional fees. Some charge you each time they come out. If they don’t have all the necessary parts or tools, and have to make a second trip, that’s another minimum service fee. Some have fees for night and weekends. Some charge additional travel fees, gas fees, disposal fees and more. I’ve even heard of a company that charges additional fees if the technician has to park away from the home (which often happens in city dwellings). If you don’t inquire about these ahead of time, you could end up being stuck with huge additional fees.
When you get a project quoted make sure you inquire not only on the cost of parts and labor, but if there are any additional fees leveraged. When they quote you ask if that is the final cost. Failure to do so can add several hundred dollars to your bill. We’ll never surprise you with extra fees like that.
The technicians at Easy A/C will never pressure you into making repairs. We welcome you getting second, and even third, opinions. Shop around. We’re confident you’ll come back to us. Our repair people take the time to address your concerns and educate you on how your system works, what needs to be done, and how long it should take. Call Easy A/C today, and we’ll make sure none of these disasters ever happen to you.