Air conditioning bills here in Tampa during the summer can drive anyone to want to go on a strict budget. In addition to the tips we’ve provided on this blog about saving money on your AC and heating bills, there is a Tampa heating and cooling program through Tampa Electric (TECO) and one through Duke Energy that can help you save money on energy efficient changes in your home.
TECO’s Heating and Cooling Program
Tampa Electric’s Heating and Cooling Program provides incentives for all residential clients to update their old, inefficient heating and cooling systems with a new system that meets energy-saving standards.
For homeowners who purchase a new heat pump with a 15.0 SEER rating or higher, they can expect a rebate of $135. The same is true of a ductless heat pump mini-split system, and a straight cool, natural gas heat system. For geothermal systems, residents are eligible with a system of 12.0 SEER or greater.
TECO also has a ductwork program to help homeowners make their homes more energy efficient. According to their website, seven out of ten homes have leaks in their air ducts and this means precious cooler air is escaping and the home is not being cooled as efficiently as it could be.
For those Tampa residents with an older air conditioner, TECO also has an HVAC Motor Replacement Program where they can have their AC retrofitted with a high efficiency electronically commutated motor (ECM) and earn a $115 rebate. The work must be performed by a licensed HVAC contractor and the new ECM must be replacing a system that does not have a variable speed motor.
Duke’s Home Energy Improvement Program
If you live outside of Tampa and are serviced by Duke Energy, there are rebates available to you as well. For homeowners who complete Duke’s free Home Energy Check and who act on a qualifying recommendation, they could be eligible for some sizeable rebates including:

- Up to $150 for ductwork check and repair
- Up to $200 for an attic insulation upgrade
- Up to $800 for a heat pump replacement
- Up to $400 for window replacement with energy efficient windows
These offers are for single-family homes and work requires a licensed contractor to be eligible for the rebate. Duke also offers rebates for multi-family dwellings.
Do Something Good for Your Wallet and the Tampa Bay Area
Not only are these programs helpful to homeowners because of the cost savings, and getting rebates on energy-efficient upgrades that may help in the sale or worth of the home, but they are also good for our community. According to the Duke Energy website,
“By participating in our residential and business energy-efficiency programs, Duke Energy customers have saved more than $1 billion. That’s enough energy savings to power the city of St. Petersburg for five years – and reduce emissions in an amount equal to removing 1.8 million cars from the road.”
Now is the ideal time to begin thinking about making your home and its mechanicals more energy efficient. The weather is still pleasant and your cooling bill hasn’t begun to skyrocket. In a couple of months when you see your bill, you’ll be wishing you had participated in one of the cooling programs available to you.
Call us today at 813-COLD-AIR (265-3247) and we can help you start saving money right away.
Interested in purchasing a new AC, but need a little extra help? Check out our air conditioning financing options.