Let’s face it. No one gets excited about inspections - of any kind. They’re usually uncomfortable and stressful. Bring your car to the shop and you’ll be sweating under the sun as you wait for the auto expert to deliver the bad news. Health assessments are no fun either. Finding out you’re a little too old to keep eating cupcakes for breakfast is a bit of letdown to say the least.
An AC survey is a bit different though. That’s because we focus on putting you at ease. The goal is to increase your home comfort – not your stress levels. Want to know what to expect from an AC inspection? Consider this your guide.
Addressing Allergies and Ailments
Allergens such as mold and dust can collect in your AC air ducts over time. We’ll explore your ductwork and other allergy-prone areas that could affect air quality. Through the inspection, we’ll determine what areas if any require maintenance. In some cases, an air duct cleaning may be in order. We’ll also ensure your parts are strong enough to withstand washing. Older homes may harbor worn or fragile parts. Rest assured that our professionals know how to identify irritants and care for them without harming your home.
Before the inspection, you’ll want to consider the following AC allergy-related questions that could help us identify key issues:
- Have you noticed any hot or cold spots anywhere in your house?
- Have you noticed any drafts?
- Do you have any concerns about your AC or heating system?
With the answers to these questions, we’ll observe your thermostat and overall system operation, as well as fan function, coil condensation levels, and more. With regular EZ Breezy Club inspection and maintenance, we’ll also top off refrigerant levels for free to ensure you AC always keeps its cool.
Exploring Efficiency
If your house is cold, but your bills are high, you’ve lost half the battle. Efficiency is an essential part of AC operation. While your home itself could expedite energy leaks, so too could a system that’s operating at half capacity. That’s why we’re curious about more than just the basics. We want to know that you’re getting the most out of your machine; these questions will give us the answers that’ll help us improve your system’s cooling capacity.
- What is your average electric bill in the summer?
- What is your average electric bill in the winter?
- What is your average electric bill in the off-season?
- Have you noticed any excessive noise? If so, from which part of the unit?
Our professionals are experts on not only AC units, but the common issues related to the home that could reduce overall AC performance. We’re always ready with recommendations that’ll increase your comfort and reduce the hassle of unexpected repairs and utility costs.
Ready to schedule a visit with one of our technicians? Contact Easy AC today for more information on affordable Tampa AC repair and maintenance. To keep up with your home comfort, check out our EZ Breezy Club for regular tune-ups and more.